13 Feb 2022 | Updated 18 Feb 2022 [wallets]

Monerujo SideKick project 75% funded

The Monerujo SideKick1 project is almost fully funded and at this point it looks like the Android app will soon become a reality:

Raised 133.15 of 179 XMR   ~75%   Contributors: 96

Monerujo Sidekick is an Android app which is a functional replacement for dedicated Monero hardware wallets.

SideKick is run on a separate Android device without internet connectivity. It is a companion app to regular Monerujo. The SideKick holds the wallet keys and is never connected to the internet thus keeping the keys offline & safe.

To learn more about the project, consult my previous report2, the Reddit thread3 and the closed CCS proposal4.

To contribute to the project, donate some XMR to the address listed on the Monerujo Funding Site1.

Update: fully funded!5.

  1. https://funding.monerujo.app/  2

  2. /monerujo-sidekick-ccs 

  3. https://libredd.it/pe0g89/ 

  4. https://repo.getmonero.org/monero-project/ccs-proposals/-/merge_requests/247 

  5. /monerujo-sidekick-fully-funded/