31 Oct 2021 [wallets]

Monerujo announces 'Nifty Gunthers' NFT rewards for donations above 1 XMR

Monerujo’s m2049r1 has announced23 the Nifty Gunthers4 NFT rewards for contributors:

To donate with Monero makes you feel super good [..] But: what if you could get something unique in return.

We are pleased to announce that we are issuing an ERC-721 NFT collection of Gunthers to complement our project funding initiative.

All donations to projects listed on the Monerujo Funding Site that are worth 1 XMR or more are eligible to receive a free NFT.


Consult the #nftrules6 section to learn more.

  1. https://github.com/m2049r 

  2. https://fosstodon.org/@monerujo/107196824276313032 

  3. https://libreddit.de/r/Monerujo/comments/qjrk7g/introducing_nifty_gunthers/ 

  4. https://opensea.io/collection/nifty-gunthers  2

  5. https://polygonscan.com/address/0x8c2964aB09eD2DD2c01d718314222dc7399dB020#code 

  6. https://funding.monerujo.app/#nftrules