14 Dec 2021 | Updated 26 Dec 2021 [mining]

garrylachman releases 'XMRig for Android' Pre-Alpha 0.0.3

garrylachman1 has released the Pre-Alpha 0.0.32 for his Android GUI miner xmrig-for-android3:

I decided to fork my baby (React Native XMRig), refactor most of the code & features and forward it to the community.

The dev is currently looking for some community feedback4 on the very early alpha software.

To read more about the project, consult the associated bounty5.

Update: add link to closed testing invitation6.

Update: new version available7.

  1. https://github.com/garrylachman 

  2. https://github.com/XMRig-for-Android/xmrig-for-android 

  3. https://github.com/XMRig-for-Android/xmrig-for-android/releases/tag/0.0.3 

  4. https://libredd.it/r/MoneroMining/comments/rg1k3e/ 

  5. /cryptogrampy-proposes-android-xmrig-gui-miner-app-bounty/ 

  6. https://libredd.it/r/Monero/comments/rh718g/ 

  7. /xmrig-android-0.0.7-pre-alpha-released