19 Jan 2022 [services]

ByBit lists XMR/USDT derivative pair

ByBit1 cryptocurrency exchange has listed2 the XMR/USDT3 perpetual futures contract on their trading platform:

New Derivatives pairs: #ROSE/#USDT, #CREAM/#USDT, #XMR/#USDT and #DENT/#USDT

Fees for derivative contracts are −0.025% for makers and 0.075% for takers and traders can use up to 100x leverage.

Note that Bybit is a centralized exchange with mandatory KYC verification for Level 1 traders4.

  1. https://www.bybit.com 

  2. https://nitter.net/Bybit_Official/status/1483673078915862532 

  3. https://www.bybit.com/trade/inverse/XMRUSDT 

  4. https://learn.bybit.com/bybit-guide/bybit-trading-fees/#how-to-get-started